Soon to be former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently made news by saying that, "No one cares if you smoke a joint or not."
This is interesting considering the Hollywood actor turned governor of California signed a law five weeks ago that made possession of up to an ounce of marijuana the equivalent of a traffic ticket. It carries a penalty of no more than a 100 dollar fine and no arrest or criminal record. He defended the law in a TV interview, telling host Jay Leno on NBC television's Tonight Show it was a good idea.
Last week on election day, voters rejected a further initiative that would have allowed adults aged 21 and older to possess and grow small amounts of marijuana. Schwarzenegger told Leno that California's Prop. 19 law had, "gone too far," thus it was not approval by voters.
During Thanksgiving Dinner my super democratic uncle got into an argument with my super republican uncle over making pot legal. I sided with my democratic uncle that people who want to smoke pot are going to regardless of if it is illegal....much like how underage people drink, and making it legal would only help to bring in money. It seems that if was Arnold said about "nobody caring if you smoke pot" which I agree with is true then it is a waste of police power to try and punish people for it. Just make it legal and tax the hell out of it.