Thursday, October 14, 2010

ABC News Quiz

Today I came across a quiz about marijuana that I found interesting from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and posted on the ABC News website. To even my surprise I received at 7 out of 7 on the quiz. I would suggest everyone to take this poll to gain some greater knowledge about the popular drug.

Also, I recently read a Gallup Poll that spoke about Canadians and their public opinions about marijuana. The Gallup article is titled, "Canadian Relax Views on Marijuana," and goes into detail about how in the 1970's Canadians were fairly evenly divided on the legality of possessing a small amount of marijuana. Thirty-five percent of Canadians believed that it should be a criminal offense, 36% believed it should be an offense subject only to a fine, and less than a quarter (23%) thought that possessing a small amount of marijuana should not be considered an offense at all. In only twenty five years opinion has shifted in support of treating marijuana possession less harshly. In the 2002 poll, 40% of Canadians said that the possession of a small amount of marijuana should be subject to a fine, while a similar percentage (37%) said it should not be considered an offense at all -- only 22% said it should be a criminal offense.  The bottom line is that throughout North America, individual citizens are becoming less strict about the use and possession of marijuana. This poll goes to show that America is not the only place where common people are relaxing on their public opinion of marijuana.

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