Thursday, September 23, 2010

The number continues to grow. . .

A recent survey done by Rasmussen Reports shows that almost half of Americans (43%) now say that are in favor of the legalization of Marijuana. Although a strong 42% still favor Marijuana remaining illegal, it is fascinating to see how quickly Americans are jumping on the "bandwagon" of legalizing the drug. From February, 2010, to July 2010, the number rose 3%. This may not sound substantial, but in context to the number of citizens in this country it shows a large shift. Most of the respondents argue that the legalziation of marijuana should be followed in part by a strong governmental tax. Forty percent (40%) of Adults admit to smoking marijuana at some time in their lives, but 55% say they have never tried it. 61% of those polled who have tried marijuana agree with the legalizing the drug. This newest survey goes to show how quickly the public's opinion is changing on the topic on marijuana. Everyday more and more Americans are realizing the amount the country could be making on the taxation of this drug. As the percentage of people in support of legalization continues to grow, it may just be a matter of time before legalization becomes a reality.

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